Mouse Auto-Click
Record and automate repeated mouse-clicks with partial AI in mouse play back.
Small but powerful standalone CRM and re-billing solution.
Enterprise client/server with optional cloud hosted database CRM, billing and tracking system.
Canadian SIN Validator
Visual basic source code snippet to validate Canadian SIN (Social Insurance Number)'s using the LUHN 10 algorythm
Decrypt FlashFXP
Visual basic source code example on how to decrypt FlashFXP passwords
Credit Card Validation
Visual basic source code for proper credit card validation using the LUHN 10 algorythm
Raise Event from a Module
Visual basic code to raise an event from a module in a component or class object to the parent form where the component or object is instantiated
Strong Cryptography
Source code written in Visual basic to demonstrate strong encryption and decryption techniques
Winsock Mult-Connect Server
Source code written in Visual basic to demonstrate a winsock server which hands off communication from a single listen port, and the client process for custom protocols
Vertical Picture Scroller
Pure JavaScript code to demonstrate how to do a Vertical Picture scroller with pause on hover
TextBox Select Highlight
How to create a custom TextBox in Visual basic with border color change on focus